Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time for a break...........

I really, really need a break !!

Gone were the days when I could just simply took leave and off to somewhere. Nowadays, I must make sure that someone is in the office to take over my responsibilities while I go on vacation. 


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Put those running shoes on ........

Ouchhh...ouchhh.......auwww...auuuwwww......that's my thigh muscles screaming for mercy everytime I moved !!

Yuupp....I really need to get back into exercising now...Not only I can't fit into my jeans, I'm turning into a full-grown teddy bear, all soft and cuddly, as well ...... ewwwhhhh !! So, with this realization, umpphh well actually .... after stumbling on a blog of a certain somebody who at one time was a bit chubby yet now has become a marathon runner, I am motivated enough to put on my running shoes and started to do some exercises !! Nothing fancy..just a run/jog/walk around the house, I don't want to give my body a shock !! Yupp....I used to have aerobic classes twice a week but ever since I moved here(that's 8 months to be exact!!), all of that had stopped. Anyhow..enough excuses dear, time to buckle up and move those heavy butt out of that chair and runnnnnnnnnnn........!! Yeahhhh.......

Hmmm.....I'm hoping that I'll be able to shed some kilos off by December so that I can splurge on some really fancy and expensive Xmas dresses....ouuiiiii..........cheers \(*--*)/

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Third time lucky ??!!

Yeppp....this is my third attempt of keeping a so-called 'online journal' !! Not that I have an interesting life or anything, it's just that sometimes I do need a place to let the 'creative' side of me babble a little *wink*

So, here we are.... almost at the end of the third quarter of 2010. And to say that time flies is really an understatement !! I mean...whhaaaattt....wheeeenn...hoooooww......did we get to the end of August already ??!! Wasn't it just yesterday that we sang 'Auld lang syne' ? Hhmmm.....

Welll...2010 is actually a real big year for me, career-wise. Yuupp....after 12 years of being pampered in HQ, I was in for a big surprise when I received a phone call from the office on New Year's eve. I was excited by the news and at the same time was a liitle bewildered by the enormosity of the responsibilty that'll await me at the new place. Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to make sure that I really am here, all alone in my own office(no more cubicle for me, hihi....) and no longer surrounded by familiar faces.

I'm no happier being here than in HQ, but it's a little sacrifice that I had to make in order to advance a step further. Seriously, I'm not complaining..... In fact, I love and anticipate the challenges that I have to face daily. The only downside of being here is, as the saying goes, being on top can be lonely at times. Yeahhh.....I missed the 'b*tch**g' sessions that I used to have with the girls. Nonetheless, thanks to social-networking and instant messaging, I'm still up-to-date with the gossips but nothing beats a 'face-to-face' session ha ha......

Ok, I'll stop here now. Hope to ba back more often....cheers !!